jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019



Healthy food a very popular and a concerining topic in our society. Nowadays fast food has taken and importanim place in our cating habits. But there are many opinions about the advantadvan and disadvantages of this kind of food

Though I'm not find of fast food in general, I find remarkable  advantages. To start with I think some products are cheap so they are affordable to law but get people. Otherwise some products like chips and ice cream are tasty.

However  lots of disadvantages have been found out. One of them is the quantity of fats this food contains. Moreover, there are many suspicions about the origin of the meat for burgers and nuggest, so I don't trust when I eat this food.

To conclude, I think the reasons mantioned for disadvantage are strong enough to say that this food isn't as healthy as a Mediterranean diet food, although its a attractive prices makes it competitive.